… messing with elections, and the like.
– Richard Socher, Saleforce’s chief data scientist
Kathy Baxter, the architect of Ethical AI Practice at Salesforce, has a great saying: Ethics is a mindset, not a checklist. Now, it doesn’t mean you can’t have any checklists, but it means you do need to always think about the broader applications as it touches human life and informs important decisions #AI https://t.co/JemB76eFbt pic.twitter.com/IZjvGSrAdN
— Phil & Pam Lawson (@SocializingAI) December 12, 2018
Look at recommender engines — when you click a conspiracy video on a platform like YouTube, it optimizes more clicks and advertiser views and shows you crazier and crazier conspiracy theories to keep you on the platform.
And then you basically have people who become very radicalized, because anybody can put up this crazy stuff on YouTube, right? And so that is like a real issue.
Those are the things we should be talking about a lot more, because they can mess up society and make the world less stable and less democratic.